When the carno becomes frenzied, the character becomes frenzied at the same time. No pts in taking the Carno pendant IMO. Do agree with the lack...
Wow! This is an exelent list! In every way! Permision to outright "steal" your list.. No, your slann is not to weak. Weaker, but far from too...
Long live "The Most Important Rule" - BRB pp.3
Yeah, I can imagen ;) good riddance in your case any way. Keep em coming! Good hunt :)
You can drop the halberd on the scar-vet. Your bound to use your magic weapond anyway.. Think I would have dropped banehead and the hornet one and...
Yeah, your Standardbearer does remind me of a barbaric fella ála braveheart :P Got to love 'em!
A great idea though! If you just could manage to make the riders look like they actually sitting, it might work :) Green stuff should do the trick
Awsome! Like the way the skin blends in with the root of the horn, make it look tough and very realistic :)
Great! Love to see the full report of this fight :D
Just remember that the Steggi will fight as well in a challenge..
I bought the inxi-huinchi riders back in the 5th edition (dogs of war) and Inxi huinchi himself rides a horned one. As for modeling and...
Welcome home, lost one ;) I would prefere spears myself but hand weapons isn't bad either.. If you're looking for painting adwise, this site...
As Guns'n Roses said it in the 80's: Welcome to the Jungle!
yeah, I thought of that too. Given the extra +2 armor save and higher movement, you loos 360 degree line of sight and gives stupidity to the unit...
Think your list is well rounded and you got units that fill out eachother pretty well. Would probably go for a scroll vs the cloak, and give the...
Love your reports Dalkarius! A nice game and much fun to read :) What kind of Campaign are you playing? Some pre-sett by a gamemaster or any...
Welcome to the site :)
This is a really nice looking list. You will exell in CC but suffer from magic. at 1k I would probably go without the priest. If he goes heavy...
Difficult to judge out of this report.. A saying goes "don't change a winning team" and a massacre is indeed such a case. When you're playing...
Welcome on board :)