Check out Dalkarius's army list, he has fought a few matches with 5 steggies I think...
I never take either fear nor Terror. Slann with BS in a TG block = rock solid and going nowere. As other have put out, boost you magic instead.
I agree, skink/kroxigor units is better of as small units with 1-2 kroxigor than anything bigger. Personally I think there are better choises....
In any case, you've come to the right place! Welcome to our steaming jungle-home :)
Divide your skirmishers in two units. That been said, this is a very good first list! Well done! Think this will do well on the battlefield and...
Welcome :)
Nice Howda! I'm sure this is going to be a stunning model when finished! Are you going to keep your horns and bones on your steggi the way they...
think of it. what does SCoR do? what use can they be put at? and the same for skinks, what are their pros/cons? SCoR pro: exelent hammer, heavy...
Drop all your power stones and the saurus champ to give spears to you saurus
Yeah, no prob with your armies. Last time I met Malus, I got massacared, but that was mainly becous of a rather heavy shooty list.. I would...
Think your first change was better... depending on few heavy units makes your army somehow predictable, and some time, a unit of 10 cheep skinks...
Yeah, leadership isn't the greenskins best profession so panictest will come in handy :P
Nice game! I whants to try an all monster list sometime myself, but only got 2 stegs pr. now... Someday :bored:
read the frenzie rules in the BRB
Ditto! Awsome theme!
OMG! GW seriously needs to clean things up conserning this and other rules like thouse concerning howda questions. where is that errata
Well, after beeing limited to only one single lore, I don't like taking the risk and potentionaly loos spells like spirit of the forge and...
Like your changes and thing your better suited with those skinks to help you harraz, defend vs march blocking, threat flank osv and eat giants for...
Not sure if you'll have enough models for a 4k match... You pretty much need to field all you got. Wow! I just roughly added you units togheter...
To many eggs in one basket. Easy to out manouver and one failed stupidity test could easily cost you the game. Imagine your opponent force a...