Re: How to fight the really huge Beasties (Monstorous Arcanu I'm a big fan of spamming skink skirmishers with javs. You can get a lot of them for...
Flyers on the march are excellent for fanatic popping, particularly as they are skirmishers so you get plenty of options for reforming and...
Bog them down with skink chaff, poisoned shooting works a treat and you'll get a whole bunch of skinks for the same price as 4 necro knights....
I've never had much joy with camo skinks, but that is probably my failing rather than theirs, although my terradons and rippers are consistent...
I agree with you mate, to be clear I meant that there were better alternatives to both those options rather than they wouldn't work. I would...
Unfortunately you are going to struggle in that situation. The battalion is a decent starting point but it isn't really optimal in any sense,...
I have to say the models look fantastic! Although I agree with reptile, I'm not keen on the bone colour on the trog, I don't know why either....
Oh okay. It's really easy to do but you need the right equipment. Basically you need a means of drilling really small holes, I use an old gw pin...
Pinning, always pin metal models all of the time. Superglue (I'm currently using loctite) works just fine so long as the joint is pinned. Then use...
Yeah freezing helps a lot but you do need to be careful. Don't want to sound like I'm teaching you to suck eggs but the single most important...
Re: 1st army 995 points Armour of Destiny is heavy armour so you also get the +2 for that giving your scar vet a 1+/4++ As for magic on the...
The old riders are definitely smaller than the new ones, but that should make the conversion work easier as you'll probably just need to pinch the...
I'd add in a salamander or two pretty sharpish, they'll make a serious mess of any goblin hordes and will make any of his larger orc blocks want...
Firstly, welcome. There's no definitive answer to any of those questions, however if it were me I'd go as follows: 1 - Spears on the Saurus. I...
You're right about crumbling, chef meant unstable.
I figured I should probably introduce myself properly. I've just come back to GW after a 10+ years break, my girlfriend's two boys got into 40K...
I also have the (near obligatory) Space marine army, although mine hasn't been played since 4th. My girlfriends son has a current marine army so...
I'm mid way through the same thing at the moment, although starting from 750pts instead. I really like the format as the small points games play...
With metal parts, I tend to pin them to get a good solid join. If both of the parts are particularly large, or perhaps the contact area between...
Definitely second the salamander suggestion, at 1000pts there will probably be quite a few reasonable sized blocks of basic infantry about and...