I think the point Sleboda is trying to get across is that as long as we have steadfast, overloading on characters won't be as strong as you think....
Often with the Bastilodon, what it does is unimportant. What matters is what your opponent think it can do. In most of my games he either eats a...
So this is how the game went. My opponent had : 1 tyrant with 2 hand weapons, +1S big name and ward save 1 level 4 gut magic and ward save 1 BSB...
That's really cool! I can't fit the 5 point weapon, 1 point short! :( the other option is to remove the dragonbane gem, but I'm just too afraid...
3000 points triple carnosaur Lords=509 Old blood +carnosaur +blood roar +looping stride +great weapon +armour of destiny +crown of command...
That's why I usually switch into the lore of light, the only spell I wouldn't want is banishment after turn 2-3.
You can't fit all those lords in your 25% allowance. You can't give your Slann harmonic, since mazdamundi already has it. With mazd and a slann,...
How about one to light and one to death? The cheapest BRB lore+the dice generating one, might keep you from being starved for dice. Plus it offers...
Unfortunately GW is all smoke and mirrors :walkingdead:
Isn't the slann immune to D13? Don't have the book with me, but doesn't the palanquin make like infantry unaffected by the rules of infantry?
Personally I would go with a WD Slann: -trolls---->burning gaze, fireball -hero level characters(including throgg), chimeras---->spirit leech...
I cried at how hilarious this is. You are a warhammer genius my fellow lizzie player.
At 3000 points, all conventional army lists have a lvl4. I can't afford a lvl2 with scroll without removing something important from the list....
Sorry to derail but how would tenhehauin be placed in a skrox unit? In the front rank(displacing the kroxigor behind him)? Can that kroxigor...
Rip and tear 3000 points list Lord=718 Old blood +carnosaur +looping stride +blood roar +light armour +great weapon +talisman of preservation...
Which, in your opinion, is best, and why.
I would take one of each as their roles are quite different. Cowboy: see something nasty, smash him into it. Flyboy: is that a wizard I see in the...
If memory serves, the SD alone is 390, and the prince is around 140, so it costs at least 530, not 389. Which makes kroxigors a perfectly cost...
Isn't the second rank positioning of the slaan mandatory?(in that you are not allowed to put him in the first rank of TG unless there is less than...
Shades have no save(unless he pays for light armour) no parry, and their repeater crossbows are S3! And warlocks automatically get doom bolt and...