We tend to test our lists for tournaments, not for a single opposition, so if he choses lore of fire, it would be for 3 matches in a row against 3...
i know its not the normal lizzies; but i need a new challange! :D So, ill start to post some bat reps here with my vampires ^^, first ones will...
if your tg champ was still alive, you could have challanged the daemon prince =) good report!
if he accepts the challange does he come to the front rank than?
i was just reading them, looks like i read over them :s EDIT; found it, thanks
do you guys play the game that u get a look out sir rol vs template spells?
terradons have a minimum of 3 sorry :) sorry i meant terradons, i wasnt thinking very cleaerly
u watch to many beyblade man! hahaha (i was just watching it on tv, ) hahaha, anyways i got casino dice, but when i say, ooh daddy wil give u some...
its been ages since i had awesome dice, mine are below average now a days :') been shooting at a giant for 5 turns with 10 skinks, causing 1 wound :')
well driving 3 hours, for having a crap game, where i get tabled in 15 mins, isnt really fun either ;)
so guys tell me how u guys solve the issue when the dice are just awfull? i was on a tourny yesterday, and i threw my dice in to a river nearby...
but closing the door doesnt mean move over to the right for about 3 inches so you maximise contact right...
so imagine a unit wants to charge my units and we are set up like this ----EEEEE ----EEEEE ----EEEEE ---C ----C -----C ------C ----FFFFF...
hi and welcome! first of all, it depends what you want to play; first of all; a slann, salamanders and skinks , u can never go wrong! 2nd; u...
athel loren has the only spell in the warhammer magie to get a charge of in the magic phase, besides anvil of doom tzeentch warpfire attribute...
tzeentch lore is the worst lore to ever meet warhammer =)
we dont need a new book, it is just because woc are new, and nobody has figured out how to handle them easily, we still are one op the top...
i faced them aswell daemon prince bsb on disc 3 chimeras 6 units of marauder horsemen 2x4 skull crushers he was fast, he was strong! it ended...
6's to hit always hit, 1's to hit always fail same with wounds even if u have a -15341384, that is the most fair =)