ouch, sorry to hear man! i had my dream crushed aswell, when i broke my for arm during rugby try outs for national leagues. now i cant even do...
i use them 1 unit of 3, they give u vanguard, drop rocks, warmachine hunters, also, good for redirections, charging fleeing enemies from a...
ethereal slann with fencers blades and crown of command is awesome!
if i enter tournaments in belgium or holland, it always seems like 5 lizzie players, 4 kopies of the same list, and mine hahaha :D
hahajha, im sorry :( and uts not two players vs two, its 4 vs 4 but single baytles, just pick who faces who
bsb and dispel scroll option 2; plaque of tepok forbidden rod both comes up to 50 =)
javalins do more damage for me :D and because i cant get teh slann in than =) go over the lord choice
battle of the clubs in tilburg; no, one slann per unit of tg =)
if u plan to put ur slann in ur tg bunker, only two options; life or light; caus u need the 12inch bubble and stuff if u go any other lore, the...
no its one in holland, im from belgium ;)
if they dispel your remains in play in their turn, it means they wont be able to cast any other spells, since ull have the upper hand with dispel...
if u play lizardmen with out salamanders, u dont deserve to get your ld tests on 3 dice! anyways, welcome, and if u need any help on skirmish...
dual slann is amazing =) it works like a charm , i tested it the last few lizard battles and it works perfectly, one life slann, the other one is...
shadow works well, if u can play with a oldblood on foot :) u can cahrge a slann in to a muti charge where the old blood cant be, than shadow swap...
chees list would be; duo slann, life light life slann , crown of command, 4 scar vets on cold one, put them in a hero unit, make slann in the...
etc rules give look out sir to spells like dwellers yea, but purple sun alays has a look out sir, since it is a template, dwellers, final...
tough list to beat at 1500 pts =)
depends how much u are over, u can always skip the dawnstone on the scar vet, but dont send him in to high str troops than
that set up i use aswel, give both a 5/6 chance surviving the first cannon ball, and hopefull be in combat by they shoot again, they also kill...
david is pretty much on it ;) u could go scar vet; light armour , cold one, gw Vofff amulet of iztl dragon helm 1+sv, 2+wsv vs first wound...