spray white, paint scales, weapons, dip and finish
so their aint any specifiek things to look at, just a 2400 noral rules okay here we go List 1: Slann; life, rumination, general plaque of...
lose the spears, lose the cav, add a scar vet to the saurus, and extra points to make unit larger
going to watch that in a few mins!
give the oldblood shield dawn stone armour of destiny sword of might potion of foolhardness giving him a 1+ rerollable, 4+ wsv 5 str 6 attacks,...
anyone got a greater daemon sword, or something that looks like it , i need one for my doombull cheers!
since u want to run a EOTG , GO LIFE! it heals it back up and shizzle u want to know which spell u dont need in lore of life well, since your...
purple sun is a template, meaning he gets Look out sir roll =)
playing a doombull without asf sword is like going to the store naked an wonder why u get arrested =')
slann life crown of command ethereal mystery should work fine
u can have a save of any kind you want, it isnt illigal, but for gaming purposes it is CAPPED at 1+, even if u have a -1+ or a 0+. can never be...
ramhorn doombull with other trickstar shard works well =D
well i play my lizardmen armies with out any saurus, so this advice might not work for u , but it did for me i usually tend to death snipe heavy...
slann at 1250 points comes with a 4+wsv and a free discipline, which is really strong and better than your sink priest in a long shot
that is one way to play it if u feel like u dont want / need the tg caus u prefer stegadons like i do! muahahaha
scar vets can handle almost anything ;) my scar vet with a 1+ reroll, held up a steam tank for 3 turns so, he can do it ;)
depends on yourself and your moving skills if u can make it work without letting your slann see any combat go for bane head if u think u lack a...
its higher state of conciousness its a discipline he doesnt become ethereal, he becomes immuun to mundane attacks, it kinda is a must when u...
yea it works for me :) but i play death/shadow and rarely life, so he gets an extra boost due the magic, making him really unstopable :)