okay and here is the resulltttt: full army view! [attach] [attach] Slannn aka Venomisous!: [attach] [attach] Stegadon power? [attach] [attach]...
caus he is the hardest model to kill and a bsb is an MUST in the 8th edition ...
depends on the lore =) if u go life 20 usually does the trick, caus u can boost them realy hard going combat light, u need about 30 caus u cant...
i play solo slann on 1500 points bsb, ethereal, plaque of tepok , crown of command IF u go lore of death why: lwo casting values, no real need...
lizardmen fighting in snow means they are hardenend due battle and war making them caus fear! xD
as i dont recall the vargulf having flaming attacks, your slann cant be hit, the main trick is to keep your slann wandering around somehwere safe =)
if u plan on going lore of death, i would opt for a solo slann lose the tg and get those points in getting a 2nd sallie and boost your saurus...
i think one saurus unit is to small, 18 is a small number i take it you go lore of life with this list? specially with the small amout of temple...
scar veteran cant take dispel scroll, caus it is an arcane item and he aint a wizard
how do you call a dinosaurs that keeps trying? a try , try , tryceratops :')
Shield of mirrord pool hardly has effect since there arent that many magic missies, Saurus units are on the small size, get Them up to 30
Re: Making dule Slann work death/shadow at 2500 no comp rule Best to hier slann in e unit of skirmish skinks reasons: dont lose that many points...
that had to be salamanders XD maybe i psted chameleons becaus i was converting mine xD
because salamanders are one awesome unit! give your scar vet : light armour shield dragonhelm burning blades of chotec put dispel scroll on...
usually salamanders do the trick against white lions =)
for 1000, take out the oldblood you get a scar vet with some cool gears, and for 1000 pts, a scar vet is a toughnut to crack ;) your next...
charge it with 3 stegadons at the same time! xD
here is a small preview of my engine ^^ [attach]
so dropped engine of the gods for something else =) Skink Priest: level 1 Scroll Scar vet cowboy : coldone lightarmour greatweapon VoFFF Amulet...
hinds is correct =) its models in base contact, the monster itsself does not count towards this :)