good call irish =)
since at 1500 pts , playing with a slann in skinks, i wont be bringing any combat units, would it be worth getting a bsb than , or use the points...
if they dont roll the way i want them to do, i am feeding them one at a time to my opponent! xD
yea its cool ;) just i see a lot of people around my place who play with their (i dont care if i take 5 items of the same thing) like back in the...
thats why you bring multiple skink units, and u screen your slann unit with an other skink unit so it -2 for shooting through enemy,-1 for...
i will take a note block, and try to write down as much as possible i can ;) 4 battles tourny!
skirmish sorry , i will edit it ;) yea only one combat block, but with the magic, and the sallies + skinks for redirect, i should be able to face...
soooo trying a new thingy for a 1500 pts tournament Slann; general bsb focused rumination bane head cupped hands standard of discipline Lore of...
i couldnt agree more, tho i play him in TG when i play lore of light too (duhhhh) :d skinks give the advantages a damage causing slann needs if u...
what should i use the points for the tg for than, any tips?
the guy above me is correct also your sknk priest is carring 2 arcane items which isnt allowed either, you might not play by all the rules the...
so it would be wise to not go for a ethereal slann, but still bunker him in the tg unit?
agree with what is said above^^ solid list, might lose the plaque of protection for cursed charm of tepok( always fun ) and get some snacks for...
so i m looking for a tooled up 1500 pts battles slann with lore of death, early bsb sniping and make sallies win the game i came up with Slann...
bane head spirit leech bsb is enough in my concerns =) just need to cause one wound, and in wich case the bsb dies, the sallies win the game, i...
they look sweet man! looking forward for a complete army view ^^
inception ruined my mind so hard i still love this movie every time i see it!
on average my 6 chamos kill a warmachine a turn =)