That is a tiny dwarf
O they''re definitly better than they've been for a long while. But Saurus still struggle with things like guard simply being ablative wounds and...
I do have to say, it's dissapointing Saurus don't seem to get their chance to shine. You'd think it'd be easier to keep both subspecifies relevant...
Well that wasn't clear. That's better I guess :p
There's a difference between skinks being good, and our basic strategy being "Basicly ignore everything else and just spam skinks"
Honestly, good. They've always just been placeholders and should've been seperated into their own faction ages ago. Hopefully we'll see the...
Wohoo, we went like a whole month before someone suggested "just spam skinks" again. You'd think after 3 battletomes we'd have managed to move...
In general there seem to be an absurd amount of point drops. And quite a lot of big ones. Maybe GW just wants to force people to buy more models...
So cities get a manticore: [IMG] Not exactly something that's usually associated with "good" factions, also, makes me wonder what'll happen with...
O neat, finally a way for minor casters to do more than use literally 1 spellcast per turn and then hide the rest of the turn. Shame it's...
It's cuz basicly our entire army can be summoned. Everything has to deal with a summon tax... Yet at the same time, summoning only works in one...
Honestly, even if he was great at all roles, the lack of focus just kinda sucks.
Sure, but TK & Bretonnia actually have some interesting aspects and had dedicated fans. And it's not like there's an easy alternative. So of...
Meh, regardless of the intent, single shot high damage low reliability attacks just aren't fun, neither for you or the victim. Due to their swingy...
I wouldn't be surprised if in this particular case it has to do with the fact that they're expecting to only sell a handfull of them. Skink...
He is 35,- euro, which is pretty normal for a new-ish foot hero nowaways who you'll only need 1 off. Plenty of stuff that's more expensive (a...
it'll probably get FAQ-ed for the spell portal/skink wizard eventually. Endless spells ran into a similar issue.
Honestly, just stick on a tactical skull with the weapon stuck in it or something. It's a dramatic enough pose he doesn't really need to hold...
Very fashionable.
Yeah, GW has repeatedly stated that buffs are taken into account when deciding on costs, which regularly results in units being overpriced if you...