well, took em long enough to introduce a rule like this given the amount of squishy support heroes there are in the game. The sworn bodyguard rule...
O, I should make my girlfriend make me one. She made me something resembling a thunderlizard a while back too.
They're too small. They look to be about the same size as the human. But, stick em on a larger base and you're probably fine I guess. :p
You could argue that if your only way to win is to rely on borderline exploits your army is bad :p Not in particular, the whole ego-trip-thing...
O yeah, I don't mean they all need to function the exact same way, just that they all respect certain limits. Fall within certain bandwiths...
The issue isn't a saurus v.s. skink kinda thing. Or even a different playstyle kinda thing. It's fine to have different playstyles. However, they...
O I'm not saying FEC is great in terms of visual diversity. But at least they got different silhouttes on account on having size differences,...
I think what might help is that the FEC at least have different profiles that are obvious from a glance. They got: - ghoul - Big ghoul - Ghoul on...
The issue with introducing factions/mechanics/abilities/etc. that are difficult & unforgiving, but have a high pay-off when played "correctly". Is...
Buff-focused playstyles are difficult to make "fun" for everyone involved because they have several potential issues that other playstyles don't...
Assuming they're halfway capable. Yes. Dangerous assumption though.
O it has massive utility which will win games, especially on high levels, and I'm definitly not saying the ability is bad. It's purely a matter of...
Sigh, guess that's also part of the the reason behind the 12" range then. That way they can prevent the argument about "can I charge an invisible...
Ah, that's slightly better, but still a tad limited, considering it's their only form of defense. Can they be charged while invisible? Cuz that'd...
Saurus I would expect to just become "obsidian weapons" they've been doing that for quite a lot of units that used to have spears & sword type...
lol, the terrawings are only barely worse than rippers in melee. Poor rippers, having even less of a spot in our roster. I don't quite get what...
yeah, I'm just confused as to why I'm tagged in a random thread at page 44 :p
eh what?
The new invisibility might be usefull if it goes for all skinks. Beyond that nothing too interesting.
At least a hormagant has different coloured bodyparts that even a beginner painter will manage, and a dynamic-ish pose. Both Skinks & Saurus are...