It's a magic + ranged army. It inherently has certain advantages given how AoS works. The only way to prevent them from having a high winrate is...
See, this is one of the issue with approaching balance purely from a trade-offs point based perspective and wanting fun and weird mechanics to be...
I mean, if they don't work in matched play, are completly uninspired, and generally are just kind of ignored, then they've basicly gotten rid of...
well that's rather uninspired, and somewhat silly.
I think the only ones with actual abilities are the big meta battalions, which combine a bunch of battalions. So basicly; if you bring battalion...
Unless you're opponent is kindly going to line up for you, you're still regularly going to find yourself in situations where max 1 or 2 enemies...
I mean, wouldn't be the first time GW releases a tome and then immeadiatly invalidate it with the next GHB/FAQ/Version/whatever.
I mean, just having chargers would've been enough for that. Especially since also have rippers & terradons. The hunters don't seem to add anything...
No you can't, they only get their free shooting at the end of the charging phase. Not immeadiatly after the chargers charge. And they only get to...
In theory; yes. In practise it's not that realistic due to how piling in after charging works, plus you're not really going to be shooting tons of...
I think this might be one of the bigger issues that most of our new stuff in here has. A 4+ save on Saurus sounds great, 5 years ago. The gimmick...
Wohoo, guard get to guard other heroes. Finally they get to be more than a glorified slann upgrade. Personal spell of the slann seems somewhat...
Why do they so consistently refuse to give these kinda rules a minimum value they aren't completly screwed against single entity units... Saurus...
[SPOILER] Saururs warriors at 200 points for 10 seems like a rather extreme change. Saurus guard at 130 points probably means they're still purely...
On the 40K front; some other interesting changes to psychic powers. I like what they're doing with characters; Attaching them to units, providing...
The battleforces are about the only time GW ever gives halfway sensible discounts. Wish they did more of those. The start collecting boxes were...
Yes, and those were all on the expensive side as well. GW is generally not great at creating particularly exciting discounts. And with the...
Eh... that's the first time I've heared someone call "one thing" a lot. But you do you I guess. Anyways, the point is just that as far as "value...
Has GW changed the conversion rates between various territories? I remember euro and pound prizes to be much closer together at some point....
It's a centerpiece model 2 cavalry units, and 1 infantry unit + the collectors tome stuff. Start collecting boxes are generally build around 1...