The rule only states what happens to the die when it is accepted. It never says the die is consumed/removed/whatever if it's rejected. And...
Cuz it's a reward-but-at-a-cost style mechanic, or at least it's presented as such. Thematicly, and mechanicly a no-thanks option should exist....
More Slaanesh rules. Breaking the rule of one for command abilities & hero actions, because the only thing consistent about the general framework...
I think it's usually like 10-15-ish units for a new faction, which eventually gets filled out with a 2nd or 3th round of dlc/freelc. So in that...
I think most of em are usually 10-15,- euro. So about 20-30% of the new game give or take. Chaos dwarfs is more like 50%. In fairness, the chaos...
I mean, you can just as easily turn that argument around as well. If the only reason you ever accept it is to avoid that D3 damage it's a pretty...
Just looked at it, it's 24,99 euro. In contrast the ogers are 11,99 It's quite the price hike
I do have to say the pleasure is also a bit dissapointing. Imho, the Slaanesh player should be able to offer far more tempting deals if GW wants...
Yeah, to a tournament player this will probably barely matter. But as a player who likes their minor stuff to actually do something other than...
It'll trigger basicly every turn you attempt to do anything with that unit (assuming Slaanesh has the available dice of course, which honestly,...
As a general rule you don't get free damage from core mechanics though. Or they at least come with some caveat, e.g. Ogres do free damage when...
well that one dwarf has a cute little babywalker. Adorable.
New Slaanesh rules. The temptation dice seems like a rather annoying mechanic to deal with as there's no meaningful way to avoid it for the...
Honestly, the only reason the plot needs to be advanced is to have an excuse for new models, and even then most armies can get away with "this...
Isn't chaos kinda winning currently? With abadon suddenly pulling a "all my loses where totally just as planned" to finally break cadia and now...
does horus heresy count? They're firstborn :p
are those uruk-hai shields?
I meant that this particular pose, and similar poses, used to be pretty normal, before phones where a thing. I get where you're coming from, but I...
That's about the only sort of impressive thing about the ability. Kroxigor are listed as "sold out online", and we seem to be replacing all...
Also, in between the new starseer and the astrolith; this means we're going to continue to be rather squishy isn't it? Our various Saurus units...