Work in progress on some more of the Cohort as well as a Skink Priest! Once again using another of the Underworlds warband models as they're...
I was only joking! I love his channel too, he's really helped me grow as a painter. I've had his blog on Lustria bookmarked for ages don't worry. :D
Thank you! Hopefully I can get the rest done in short order as well. Excited about the project moving forward. Thank you very much and yes, you...
Progress has been made! I'll do all the basing together but I've finished the Skink Chief and also cranked our the unit champion as well. Now to...
First goal is for January and February and is to paint the following for a 500pt Border Patrol list for Warhammer Armies Project: Skink Chief...
Thanks! I actually came back to Fantasy during lockdown and painted a large High Elf army through most of 2020 and 2021. I've got a few bits left...
Hi folks! With the start of a new year, a few friends and I are starting a new fantasy army for the Warhammer Armies Project ruleset. I am of...
Hi! As mentioned we're using the Warhammer Armies Project rules, which is an 8.5 or 9th edition but distinct from 9th Age, so I didn't want to use...
Hi folks. Myself and a few friends are all starting a new army in January for a "new year, new army" project. First goal is to have 500pts...
Glad they're suitable! I did assume they'd be slightly too big but I'd rather that than too tight a fit, especially with the deckbox. I'll get...
So bit of an update as I've made a few more acquisitions. I think I'm close to everything I'll need for this project. Managed to snipe some eBay...
I looked into this myself recently and compared product measurements to cards. Believe I settled on the following but am yet to order:...
Fortunately I have my old Dogs of War book from when I were a lad! Tichi-Huichi: M6, WS4, BS4, S4, T3, W2, I5, A3, Ld7 Skinks: M6, WS2, BS3, S3,...
Well, one of my local hobby stores had some second hand Lizardmen so - in my usual lack of impulse control - I bought: 1x Stegadon (old fantasy...
That is a good point! Couple of boxes should be plenty and gives me 30. Have to say compared to my High Elves I'm enjoying the fact that Lizardmen...
Hi all, New to the forums, but since my impulse control failed me last week and I bought the start of a Lizardmen army from eBay I thought I'd...