I've found that my opponents are more concerned with deep striking skinks running amok in their backfield more than they are the big lizard that...
The models look pretty cool, but i don't want to spend multiples of 80 bucks for them.
I cut the clubs off so the skinks look like they are making a fist. 2 seconds worth of work.
what weapon?
I would to, but unfortunately the local meta drove me to this.
I see no difference from a WYSIWYG perspective.
so what's the difference? the chameleon skink model is a skink with a blowgun. The skink model comes with a blowgun. Thats WYSIWYG A.F.
The meta around here is to dole out as many mortal wounds as possible first go. Tons of stormcast and stormfiend filled skaven armies locally....
I'm sorry that you live in an area where the gaming community is that uptight.
going first is always a good idea if you are trying to snipe a character. I for one don't want foot of gork going off of some aplha striking...
Not a problem in my area. What's the issue? It's a skink and adheres to WYSIWYG
I quit playing without because i kept getting my ass handed to me. Battalions give you fewer drops which gives you a better chance of going first...
Just use regular skinks with the blowguns if you're not into sculpting or kitbashing.
Hehe, best thread i ever stsrted!
I found a triceratops that is exactly to scale with my GW bastiladon, so of course i had to start a scratch build. A buddy is giving me the old...
Great write up!
it will be 1500 points.
First game in about a month today vs my buddies iron jaws. I took: Eternal starhost 80 Eternity warden 140 quicksilver potion 5 guard 100 5...
I've been playing AoS for a while, and some of the guys at the LGS are doing 9th age, so I'm gonna give it a whirl. I've played 2 intro games so...