I've tried that. It keeps getting cannon balled.
With 4 wounds, it seems like a point sink at 250 points. Mine has been killed in one round of shooting in two games.
3 places of power is my favorite.
I thought about the shadow strike starhost as well, but it seemed to me like i was wanting to take it strictly to protect the ripperdactyls which...
There is talk at the LGS for a team tournament where you get a different team mate every round. the person with the most overall points at the end...
Eternity Starhost 80 Eternity Warden 140 quick silver potion 5 guard 100 5 guard 100 5 guard 100 skink priest priestly trappings 100 Scar vet on...
The LGS is bumping tournaments up to 2000 points. Here's the list I'm going to try out today. Oldblood on carnesaur 320 quicksilver potion...
I was playing a 1500 point game vs beastman using a bloodclaw battalion and one of my Scar vets charged 6 minotaurs (he had a relic blade). On my...
I've used the bloodclaw a few times and really dig it. I'm looking at bumping my points up to 2000. Comments? Bloodclaw 100 Old one on carnesaur...
We do the dice roll off if both players have a QS potion. Thanks for the replies!
Just want to make sure I did this right. I had and old one and a scar vet both on carnesaurs both with the potion. My skaven opponent charged the...
I might not be in the majority here, but use apple barrel paint from wal-mart and hobby lobby. 52 cents a pot. Leaves you more money for models....
Used this earlier today. Blood claw starhost 100 Old one on carnesaur 320 quicksilver potion legendary fighter Scar vet on carnesaur 260...
Get at least one starter box. Right now it's the only way to get a carnasaur. They look sold out (the individual carnesaurs i mean).
Yes because the mortal wound slinging cheese dicks in the local scene will certainly agree to use any homegrown house rule that negates their...
My only criticism with AoS is mortal wounds. Specifically thr current meta of mortal wound spamming.
I got an old slann model from a guy, no throne and no feet. Hell, that's not gonna stop me from using it!
Good eye! Yep. He got no feet...
First 3 models done, sans basing[ATTACH]
Nope. They specifically use kroaks ability in the question on the faq. It does do a damn fine job of neutering the frog.