Right, but from what I've seen, someting needs to hold it up. Seriously at 1000 points the army id a 40 brick of skellies, a 20 brick of...
I'm looking to hold the unit up. I charged it last night in a team game with 10 saurus and a bastiladon. One of my team mates activated first, so...
So, the situation is big ass brick of skeleton spears (40 or so). It pumps out a poop ton of attacks (like 65, hitting on 4s). I clearly see the...
From the warscroll: Voracious Appetite: Each time a model from this unit attacks with its Vicious Beak and scores a hit, immediately make another...
Isn't that too many heroes? For the bloodclaw benefits i mean.
@Killer Angel i was playing beastmen
It's special shooting rule says it only works when a unit is set up. It doesn't state anything about flying in. I only say this because an...
So a gryph hound is 40 points and there's no restriction to using it with seraphon? I only ask because I'm at work and don't have my GHB.
@pendrake Yeah I still got friends. The LGS is full of cheesey monkeys that like playing rough! :)
I watched helplessly yesterday as 3 of the bastards flew to within 8 inches (due to a spell) of my carnesaur and proceeded to put 13 mortal wounds...
Drop the salamanders for more warriors. 1 unsaved wound and your saurus lose the +1 to hit.
Scar vet on carnesaur 260 quicksilver potion, legendary fighter Scar vet on carnesaur 260 10 saurus warriors w / spears 100 5 knights 120 5...
I use the great blade on my scar vet with the legendary fighter trait and quicksilver potion. That gives him 4 attacks at -1 rend and 2 damage...
I know the rounds will be using missions out of the GHB. So you are saying: Scar vet on carnesaur 5 knights 5knights 5 knights firelance 5...
The LGS is hosting it's first AoS tournament. Here is the list I'm thinking of taking. 5 chameleon skinks 120 20 warriors 200 10 skinks 80...
him: "Yeah, but i didn't knew what it does, otherwise I would have never charged the oldblood!" Sounds like his problem, not yours. He's a tool...
Thats a great idea m0gstar. I am gonna try that.
Thanks guys! I've got a bunch more cavalry on the paint table currently. I'll have 25 once they are all assembled and painted.