Given their current state, I'm guessing they won't be very "killy" outside of the disease mechanic. This is just the first thing that popped into...
This can definitely be useful. But our Skink wizards are so fragile that anything that attacks them can and probably will kill them. If you use...
Exactly. The 3.0 warscrolls you don't get unless you buy the battletome. With GW pulling the warscrolls from their main website, it's pretty clear...
Darn, that's stupid. I really hope it's just a site error and not good ol' GW making sure their warscrolls stay behind a paywall...
People on Reddit are saying it could be a new Jabberslythe: [IMG]
Thanks to everyone for the replies! Now to add my own experience so far.... It's not much experience, lol! I've only gotten in 2 games of AoS 3rd...
Probably because the Slann gets the cover bonus versus shooting as well as the garrison bonus to melee defense, a ward save if you're Coalesced or...
The coherency rules are definitely unnecessary, GW just wanted to shift the focus from hordes to smaller but tougher units or big centerpiece...
This is kind of how I feel as well. Despite GW trying to act like the rules are simpler, it still feels like there's more to keep track of in 3rd...
I just got the new model painted up and I haven't gotten to try him yet with the new rules. But I'm looking forward to it. Honestly, the random...
Just thought it would be fun to start a discussion separate from the rumor thread on how AoS 3.0 is going for everybody? Have you gotten to play...
Right now Salamander spam or Thunder Lizard shooting and Stegadons are basically our only way of dealing with Gargants at this time
I'm excited for Total Warhammer 3 for sure. But I have to admit, I'm mostly just waiting for the new version of Mortal Empires to get implemented...
The gist of Caleb's video and what I've seen in my own experience trying to kill really tough things like Maw-Krushas is that you have to throw a...
Awesome! So Thunderquake is coming back as a core battalion and they're replacing the awful Coalesced terrain rule! Hopefully the new rules are good!
There's a seller on eBay that has them. I got one, and you could definitely tell it was 3D printed and it feels very light. But so far it's been...
They do, just not in their main tabs. You have to click the skull icon after clicking into a factions rules to switch to the war scroll list.
Definitely not getting the app or Warhammer+. I'll just use Warscroll Builder for list making and Wahapedia for looking up warscrolls I don't have.
That's pretty awesome! Normally I can't get a Carnosaur to take out anything more than a screening unit or foot hero. But I'm guessing that the...