Mount traits would be amazing! Still makes no sense that Orruks and Idoneth have them and we don't...
They seem very, very powerful. Typical for a new model, though. While they don't do it for every single model ever made, most of the time GW's...
Don't forget that they did the same thing with Lumineth. They're doing it because they have all those shiny new Stormcast models to sell. The...
All very good points. I'm definitely interested in how you would make a good Koatl's Claw list, because I think that there are a lot of armies...
I think you are correct on most points, I generally agree with you. Our army is doing pretty well. Not top-tier anymore, but definitely still...
I agree that 3e has vastly lowered the technical aspect of our army. Definitely doesn't mean we're bad, but I agree with what Erta says that we...
I mean, I do appreciate the buff playstyle, I really do. But our base units will still need some serious warscroll improvements to keep up with...
Sorry to double-post, but the Orruk Warclans book review is out as well. Sounds like Bonesplitterz got nerfed pretty hard for some reason. But...
Just from the Goonhammer article it sounds like the Stormcast book is pretty balanced overall. Basically everything got rend and went up in power...
Ok, I guess to be more specific, I mean that most new battletomes don't have new *units* released alongside them. Yes, a lot of AoS battletomes...
Seems like a really fun list! I think it should do well :)
Not too up to date on Soulblight either, but from what I remember of Erta and LizardWizard's video on them I'm guessing it was Zombies doing a lot...
If you look at the release history, most new battletomes don't come with new models. The ones most likely to get new models are new armies that...
Captain: Picard (TNG) First Officer: Worf (DS9) Chief Medical Officer: Crusher (TNG) Chief Engineer: La Forge (TNG) Auxiliary Staff: Data (TNG),...
I believe it's meant to, but I can also see that according to RAW you could argue that the language allows it to work after passing wounds to...
EotG getting Priest keyword is awesome! I already wanted to use it in most of my Thunder Lizard lists, and this just makes him even more useful.
Yeah, given how pretty much every faction overview was basically "This unit is suuuuper strong because you can use All-Out Attack on it!" I'm...
I already really liked using the EotG, so being able to put prayers on him now is just awesome! But yeah, I have a feeling that GW wants to move...
I only got into actually buying the minis and playing on the tabletop in the last few years, but I was definitely shocked by the pricing.$30-$50...
Honestly I've seen them all and I have no major issues with any of them. The Jurassic World movies with their hybrids are a bit annoying, as I...