I don't even have the official model, I use the one from the Stegadon or the Troglodon...
Until they eratta that you can only do one reaction of any sort per unit per phase, I think you technically can shoot twice with Razordons if they...
Sounds like we definitely got the same one :)
Oh well. I guess I can add AoS 2e to my list of editions of games I refuse to update from, along with Pathfinder 1e and D&D 3.5
Thanks! I splurged after Christmas and got a folding gaming table and mat. I imagine we're going to ignore the smaller board recommendations for...
Blah. Everything I was worried about is basically true. AoS is just "40k, but fantasy" now. The majority of the rules are just copied over from...
This is what I'm really hoping for. Not necessarily that we get a new battletome super-early, but that GW at least stops putting most of their...
Some shots of the start of a couple games I got to play this weekend!
Has that been confirmed? I know that it really hasn't been said either way if they're going narrative or staying in matched play. A lot of people...
No worries. :) It was stated in the Warhammer Community article that talked about core battalions and reinforcement rules: "The new ruleset...
I would really like it if they did adjust the MSU of most battleline so that you could at least get to 40, but as @ArtoriusaurusRex says, a lot of...
Same, lol! :D I do want to see how the new edition turns out, but there's also nothing stopping me from continuing to play 2nd edition with my...
Meh, the SC starting troop numbers are still often based on the old sprue molds that have been in use since the Fantasy days, and that hasn't...
Who knows? They might just change melee combat entirely to be like 40k. They seem to want those two games to be as close as possible, lol!
It also says that units can only benefit from one command ability at a time, so unless it's a built-in warscroll buff they're going to severely...
I love monsters, and Thunder Lizards has been my favorite list since the new battletome came out. But I still hate what they're doing to melee...
Wow, they really are gutting hordes and making it all about monsters and elite troops now. Even if you do allocate your reinforcement points to...
Apparently Totem keyworded units can use command abilities in 3e, meaning that at the very least the Dread Saurian can use CP for the basic...
lol! If anything, barring massive point hikes the Dread Saurian is only going to get better in the new edition. With smaller blobs of enemies and...
That would seemingly fit in with what they said in the Reveal video about making you look at your Army in an entirely different way. So far, all...