Yeah, so far everything points to melee being weaker and shooting being even better than it is now. Really makes me wonder if they're hiding a...
Agreed. It *sounds* like GW is at least attempting to make the game more balanced. We all know that won't happen perfectly, and there will still...
1 to only charge and not run rolls is a bit of a nerf, but no longer giving the same bonus to the entire board is really nice.
A lot more rule previews have been shown: *Note, looks like the idea of re-rolling is being lessened or removed, as CAs that used to give re-rolls...
I've got to say, kudos to GW on this one! A new tome that's strong but not blatantly OP or super-annoying. Very well-balanced overall, and it...
With the way the seem to be trying to make AoS 3e as close to 40k 9e as possible, I think it's very, very likely that the modifier cap rumor is...
I really don't think it's that extreme. We are a top-tier army, but we are not making the game unhealthy. And not all of the "Seraphon are...
So does this mean that having any unit in a straight line is now basically illegal? Seems really strange, just makes screening and objective...
Personally I think that Seraphon are going to be alright with the changes. If anything, GW seems to be pushing hyper-mobility and shooting as the...
I've always wanted a better reason to run Troglodons in my army, it sounds like a lot of people have been thinking of doing just that :)
Very interesting battle report. So would you say that Kroak is better or worse with the new rules? Personally, I don't think he's really gotten...
They said "endless spells are back!" when announcing this rule, so they clearly want them to be used more. Our bound spells will definitely be...
Yeah, currently I think it's just the ORB Arch Kavalos and Mangler Squigs that have 80mm bases.
Nice long-form video! I think they did a really solid job with the Soulblight Gravelords. Unlike other recent new or updated factions, I actually...
Personally I'm really liking the Kruleboyz! I hope that they are able to go into the Big Waaagh! faction when they release, as the more different...
I agree, he's probably better in a lot of situations given that he's at a native +2 to casting now, and can easily get to +4 with Astrolith and...
I've loved Star Trek for most of my life. I've seen all of the original series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise. Loved...
Well, for my two cents worth I like everything but the wounds rule. As everyone has repeated, it's dumb and random and yet another "feels bad"...
Kragnos is indeed really, really good. However, I'm never too happy to see yet another unit where the only realistic strategy for dealing with...
Ah, that sounds very likely