Think you did pretty well. I've played VC three times. Twice got a draw, winning by less than 100 pts. The third game, an absolute slaughter of...
Its not exactly a conversion, but I convinced my boy to paint his Minotaurs black and white. Hey presto - Chaos tainted Frisians!!!!!!!!!
In your OP you asked about spare points. At 1500 points, your core has to be a minimum of 375 (if I've pressed the calculator buttons...
The basti initiative buff does not stack - I asked a similar question a while ago. The rule is something like "if one or more bastiladons are...
Go Saurus! Having had solo cowboy shot away on T1 a few months ago, where is the cowboy going? I guess you're going to buff the saurus / TG with...
Actually I don't think it was Curse of Anrahir, but the effect was as I put. Curse was used and I think that was against my TG, which obviously...
Played the game and very good it was to. A true Tetto and a fake Tetto were on the board. Unfortunately it appeared I had the fake one as he died...
Yes I know him, but not too sure what he'll take. At a guess, a couple of stegs, maybe a sallie or two, possibly a Bastilodon and cold ones....
Got a fun game tonight, 2500pts Lizardmen vs Lizardmen. The LCW? Thinking about running either dual carnosaurs or using a cold one bus for...
My 2p - I also have a tendancy to forget rules (often at crucial moments - D'Oh!). I use an app called Quartermaster on my Ipad which while it...
Re: Upcoming game - Warriors of Chaos vs Lizardmen I feel your pain! Been there myself. When the dice gods are against you, ther ain't a lot you...
Not much to add here, but my (noobish) experience is with magic buffs (Wyssans or Hand of Glory, maybe the Basti) and right opponents, they're...
Thanks. I thought so, but wasn't sure. Shame, but there you go. Makes me wonder why our guys can't take magical standards (other than TG) when...
If I make a cowboy my BSB, who has used his full 50 pts on other magic items (eg Armour of Destiny) can he still take a magic standard?
A related question I guess, if a unit of more than one sallie misfires, is the D3 per salamander in the unit or just a D3 for misfiring? (Sorry...
You can't take three units of one salamander. As a rare choice, limit is two units of same. So would have to be one unit of two sallies, and a...
Ooops - Apologies. Well, played the game last night. One word description - Disaster! Apart from killing some dogs and some dead he raised, very...
I thought totals for troop type were ok?
Seems obvious now. :oops: Thanks.
Re taking two sallies in one unit, what is the cost? If I take a sallie and three handlers its 80 pts, plus another 4 for a snack. What element of...