=== Models [2000 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen === ++ Characters [754 pts] ++ Slann Mage-Priest [390 pts] - Hand weapon - Battle...
No BSB? I think javelins are better than blowpipes You are gambling a lot on stupid... :-)
English would be easier to give considered feedback, particularly on the magic items
My biggest issue with 40k is there is no army which really grabs me and says "you must play me". If I was to do a tier list (rating my interest)...
It now appears 6 units wide is optimum for Saurus.
Chief on Stegadon is still one of the best units in our army list, even without them firing bows and spreading poison. All I can really think of...
Interesting, well I guess you're right then and yes an extra poison attack for a few points is a bargain
I heartily approve of this thread! Let's make them work. Sun standard is a great one when you're hunting missile weapons like bowmen. You mean...
Unless anything changed in the FAQ, taking an additional hand weapon means you don't get poison on either.
Or just make ripperducks worth taking and there's your light cav
I am a traditionalist and I hate AoS but I can admit when they got something right. Saurus have always been too big to ride cold ones. The models...
Yep and I always used a 90 degree vision arc for my Slann, despite it being classified as monstersous infantry. Now it's changed to a monsterous...
RAW I disagree. It says what it says and nothing has changed. RAI I completely agree. They would have addressed it then if the intention was...
That is a huge nerf for Slann. They now become difficult to take in casual games. You will be very reliant on your temple guard.... Look out sir...
I guess I'd ask why have it at 1989 when you can add two skinks Also I love vanguard for the mar machine hunters
I don't think that is how fear works. You don't go off the unit strength of the models that aren't producing fear. Surely.
In order: 1) A redoing of our point costs to make so many of our units (rippers, trog, salas, razors, cham) worth taking. A few could even go up,...
RAW probably RAI probably not IMO and nothing else
I feel like tzeentch WoC are our evil twin. Elite block infantry, big magic, fun monsters. Warmachines and shooting are meh.
I love the model and the way the skinks hang off it instead of riding it. I just imagine it's very very slow.