Nice pick up on stomp/AP I hadn't noticed that Kroxigor's charge should happen through skinks, or after skinks have been charged and wiped out....
It's a good point. (Yes I got points wrong) Overall I still feel the TG are much better than saurus but we already have a Saurus unit so at 2000...
TG are 14 points and almost everyone will run them with spears so Saurus at 13. TG also have shieldwall (which you can take for Saurus for an...
It's a good list and I agree with a lot of comments here: - the Slann is hard to rate, you simply have to take him because of how magic functions...
What I wouldn't give for da choppiest choppa. Best item in the game.
Actually giant blade is slightly better and 5 points cheaper.
I just read both of those. Actually my feeling is 340 overrules 337. That's because 337 has other rules for common items like they can take them...
Funny this has come up in Facebook old world Australia group recently. My feeling is that you need to be using an item to get it's benefit....
I agree with this completely. If I was to offer a weak RAI argument against our position, I find it interesting that the potion of strength is 25...
A lot of the words I think they are used aren't meant to be analysed closely. My playing group believe you can get benefits of magic shields...
I attempted monsoon 4 times and cast it 3, each time I rolled a 9! He had fated dispels only and each time he failed on my turn and succeeded on...
I didn't look closely at his army list, I believe his Dwarves has a lord with some good runes (wound 2+ and reroll his armour a few times) two...
I need to trust old world builder less
Oh I didn't know that. By the way it overhangs the base I assumed it was AoS.
Yep really good points. I wonder if the banner is another oversight of our book. Probably not. I guess the scar vet isn't the worst dual...
Although I believe buying armour is obviously both RAW and RAI I'll point out that we are unsupported in TOW and you're looking at AoS models.
I can't tell if Piranha is garbage or maybe a little overcosted (but there is nothing between 15 and 65 points in the weapon imo) It would work...
Interesting, I didn't know you could shoot and fireball. The combined model is 7 wounds and all attacks are made against his WS of 4. This is...
Well yeah except he is leadership 6 so not a good candidate as a general. At 1000 points I guess the frustration is that you don't want two...
Annoying quirks of our rule book - up there with "Saurus can't take magic banners" is that old bloods can't be the BSB. At 1000 points it makes it...