Pretty neat looking game if anyone's interested check it out
I'd be happy to re-work this and extend it so people can get a fair look in - some people who showed interest didn't send me finalised entries so...
I've had like 2 people enter excluding myself I might have to extend it just on the basis of filling even a basic amount of entries
Deadline is the 31st though at the rate I'm going I wish I set it for another year ;)
Only I've lost my wire cutters so I'm struggling on with scissors :P
Neglected this thread for like 2 months - just haven't had many days off work and when I have they've been taken up by other things. I'm just...
I've got hardly any entries so far and haven't had time to finish off my own entries yet *gulp* deadline *gulp* looking forward to seeing more...
I have 2 already @NIGHTBRINGER unfortunately the models don't have the guy fanning them but I have the pigmy slaves carrying them on their carpet...
Ah sorry I sold my only one already, have you had a look on ebay - sometimes peoples armies have them and they forget he's a named character
I also have a set of Tom Meier's Lizardmen for sale if anyone interested I have a full set of them and afew spares of the sculpts they're really...
So I have 2 salamanders with sails in red and 3 red kroxigors - no skink handlers for the salamanders though - and a metal steg I'll say 18£ for ?...
I want to shift as many as possible in one go but no one seems to be wanting them as a large lot :( are you UK based?
I have enough Slann for now - Just my banks been drained with the baby on the way and some bills but my moneys not gone into my account yet that...
Edit there are about 2-3 more stegs I didn't mention - I have like 2days to raise the funds so please let me know if you want a bulk army - also...
Keep all the secrets back :D for the big reveal :D
This is still running by the way ;) sorry I haven't been able to dedicate much time to the thread - I've had it updated to competition status now...
Alternatively although a massive ask if someone could loan me the money we could arrange a written contract for it and id pay it back and send...
Hey again all - so with my Christmas job just started I haven't had time to post my items for sale very well - I need to sell a whole load of them...
soo nice
Hey all thanks for interest however shipping to Americas is going to be costly and troublesome for me sorry - I'm gonna bundle up what's left and...