you casting these? how are you ifyou are :)
While we are on the subject I thought I'd experiment with the stuff since the video I watched and I think everyone watched about the stuff the guy...
Update - I've chucked the stuff back into hot water several times over and it's pretty much the same every time - I will say you're looking for it...
I'm going to be re making a mould I made with it tomorrow so I'll let you know if anything changes on its second use but I'm assuming it will be...
Love how this turned out :D
I've used my blue stuff already it works amazingly well I used green stuff in the mould pressed it down and left it to cure inside before removing...
So to encourage people without scaring them off for such a good conversion here is a bit of what I'm working on :) [ATTACH] Its a top down...
Lost a lot of relatives to the big C hope you're recovering well - defiantly focus on the hobby to take ur mind off it :)
Update - A big change - given that the competition is running so long and you're all such honest folk normally - there is the option of posting...
That's a nice little army shot you have there it belongs in the itza gallery :D I love the dark scheme you have
Converting on a basic level is the same as painting your army - it makes it yours and unique. If everyone did exactly the same army, exactly the...
I'm not really sure just googled when mtg was released and it says 1993 - so it seems likely since this series of cards I have was a 1993...
Sneak peak at some of the collection - [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Some of the female cards will probably use these as a main image of the collection to...
I've ordered it also recently waiting for it to arrive :)
Those are some really nice sunset photos beautiful colours I can't paint so can't suggest how but looks like you'll need some nice blending of...
If they had any sense they'd have released a model of at least mazdamundi with the game launch :P maybe they have on in the making
- The crows are likely close to the figure to denote that she is a witch or some form of spell caster :P that and death they go hand in hand with...
@GreenyRepublic - added some photos for now so you can see
Nah I did the paper version and then a crappy paint version that @Phoedinn made this beauty with ^ that's why I asked for help if anyone wants to...
Loving the paint job on tikk'le'me and the name is very amusing :)