I think more because its taken from an image in their book that its harder to even contemplate selling it as anything other than a representation...
Also if you're planning a convert project for the next few months enter into my competition for glory :) -...
Yeah I spoke to the winner of rikards model recently he still has it :)
Credit to my mum for spotting this in the shop - [ATTACH] we all know what shape butterflies are right...? [ATTACH] That's right dino...what?
Yeah I can see how that would be problematic - could experiment with having the bushes or brushes stuck to the trees and then they sit/rest on the...
Looking really good :) my vote if for adding some tufts of grass or shrubs near the circular bits of the base of the trees so they blend in more...
Your account seems new in terms of the posts etc and it says new member - with time you might be able to edit it yourself it might just be a...
You'd be surprised how many models I have / have had
I love the Slann! but the star is those mini terradons soo cute!
Has to be one of the single greatest additions to a model I've ever seen, can't wait till its all painted up and battle ready - you're gonna be...
Yeah repaints will be allowed :) also if you've just recently started a project and ur in the early stages when I announced this then you can...
If you're making them terrain but still start off with the base model then yeah It'd go into the GW Slann category purely to make it as black and...
It'd fit into the custom category still - either undead or living - because the focus is on varying the look of Slann :) so whatever they're...
@Wolfwerty33 woohoo you're the first openly interested person in this :)
that's looking really aesthetically pleasing with his foot in the river now :D
Holy moly yes where is that massive snake from I'm so jealous of it
3 months to start another project ;) - Earth you say? Wind, Fire and Water left to do :)
Reserving this comment for winner announcement
Updated - 01/01/2018 This competition has been moved and combined with the competition rikard linked, sorry for any inconvenience. I didn't get...
Structurally amazing work - its looking really nice