the 60 points left over could get you a unit of chameleon skinks. I find they are worth there weight in gold.
My carnosaur never tips over, if you position it carefully on it's base he should be fine. I would get the metal one, i think the extra weight ads...
You don't have to lose your ward. The Dragonbane gem fit's nicely in the 50 points alowance combined with dawnstone and SoM/burning blade. Throw...
well i just had to enter my list. The tourney is on sunday. due to some stupid counting mistake on my part the list turned out slightly...
I don't know much about TK but is it realistic to take out the casket with chamo skinks? If so I'd definetely get a unit of those. Even if that...
hmm i'm from holland, didn't hear about it. Where is it if i might ask? About your list. I like the first one. I was wondering though, as a slann...
the problem with a stegadon in 1000 points armies is that you can only use up to 25% of your points on heroes, so the engine of the gods cannot be...
Hello, Next week i'm competing in a casual tournament. there are some extra rules: - max 3 wizard lvls in your list - no double rares, no triple...
Well the games went quite well actually :). I was late because of the trains, missing the first round. This eliminated any chance of ending high...
Salamanders are absolute murder. The -3 to armor saves really messes with the warriors of chaos and if you get the template through the flank of...
Hi All, I just got back into WH fantasy after finding a big box of my old Lizardmen in at my parents place. Tomorrow I'll be getting to play some...
Thanks for the suggestions! I came up with this: (345) Slann mage-priest -1 discipline (Rumination) -plaque of Tepok, Divine plaque of...
Good day all, I'm getting back into the game after a break to 40K and i see that since 7th a lot has changed. I would like to play a slann...
I like 24, but i mainly play small games. I'm pretty sure you cannot field an EOTG and warspearsteg in 2000 points, as you can only have 500...
Good point! That's exactly what i was thinking... So i could also just dump the saurus character and get myself an extra unit of warriors So That...
with the hero slot i meant that with the scar-vet and priest i'm really tight on points to fit them in the 25% heroes. But i might try to boost...
why will they go down quick to O&G? You're probably right though... The only thing is that dropping them would leave me with just one good combat...
Hey everybody, I could use some advice on a 1000 points list. I will be fighting O&G but it would be nice to have a sort of allcommers list....
As i see it he gets a 2+ AS and 6 S5 attacks. First the armor... 4+ from scaly skin 3+ with glittering scales (it's a light armor) 2+ with carno...
you could also use the points from the sally to get a kroxigor in that big cohort, might be nice to have some high strenght attacks at your disposal.