Re: Rebuilding the Host looking good :D I really like your spear tips! Very nice touch
I like your list! :D Only things I'd change would be to try and get in an other saurus block, those guys are just plain awesome, mabye trade it in...
I'm facing a similar problem being wether to field: -2 salamanders and a regular steg -1 salamander and an ancient steg I would definitely go...
Hi all, So will this work against dark elves? Slann Mage-priest -Rumination, mystery -BSB -Life 24 Saurus warriors -spears, musician, standard...
good idea! But you would lose the ethereal goodness in combat, which could be usefull against charging fast cav/flyers... So would this be any...
Hmm those disciplines sound intresting, but i really liked the idea of having that 2+ ward from evil ouch magic. I took the steg because i do not...
Thanks for your comments! Throne of vines is the key indeed...i just hope i'll get it as I will only have 5 out of 7 spells but I should be fine....
Hi all, I'm playing a 1500 points game soon and i was thinking of a possible slan build, my TG aren't done yet so I'm trying him solo. He can...
Hi all, After a couple of months of no hobby I started something new. I've always wanted to have a chariot army, but when i started the hobby i...
How I read it he was talking about skink cohorts with javelins. Looks like SeBM thinks the same about blowpipes as you do ;) You just about...
"unless specificaly stated" Those three words are the problem :P. The Lizardmen armybook clearly states under the "Jungle poison" special rule,...
An other dutchman :D Those are some very neat models !
wow that's quite a list. -with the new lores, the slann will be a killer, nice to have :D -70 skinks might be overkill. but if you want to use...
I slightly changed my list, as i found my hide of the coldones scar-veteran almost useless. So i switched him for a JSoD. the equipment on my...
I'd love to see your revised list, is it done already? :P
So I made some minor changes on the equipment of the priest. I got him the drums and plaque of tepok as well as lvl 2. For this i dropped his...
Looks like a good start, but you seriously lack harassment troops. IMHO you need at least 2 units of skink skirmishers at this points lvl. And i...
Thanks fot al the comments :D Swapping the BSB/general... interesting, I was thinking of making the CO BSB as i tend to see a lot of Dark Elves...
I'm not so sure about the extra lvl, it seems to me that the extra lvl is only usefull if you go magic offense. 2 of his powerdice will probably...
Hi everybody, Friday I'm up agains someone from my local store. I have no idea what army he plays and he doesn't know mine. I was thinking of...