Sorry for reviving the topic but... that's wierd, in the link you posted they state I might be missing something but it looks as if it's...
allright, tomorrow i will have my first chance to test the list. Against O&G... should be fun! :D
yea... DE magic is really nasty... i toyed around with the idea of getting the SotMP but decided against it. I've played them enough to know there...
Hi everybody! I've been working on a fun 1000 points list. Most of the time I play with just one character, but this time I want to try the might...
The Hunted just advised to use the SoM :P and the Scar-Vets are both riding cold ones so take two spaces which takes the blocks to 6x3. an other...
Wow i loved your report (both of them accually :D ) gratz on winning twice! I have a question, I see you used the skink chief in both games. Did...
hehe no problem pal, if i appologised for all my typos... :P
Non GW? It looks like those gold heads are from the Saurus warrior set and the archaodon looks based on the Carnosaur, the head for instance, but...
Well i play him with SoSR, Enchanted shield and glyph necklace. Offers great protection and a pretty reasonable amount of attacks too.
1. Totally viable :D It's one of the things Lizardmen are accually very good at. You can also combine combat prowess and magic by taking a Slann...
well, that build would be pretty pointless accually :P The problem is that you have to use a magic weapon over a mundane weapon and venom only...
I believe it counts for all water features. btw it's Aquatic :P
haha forgot about the guy...was still thinking in black hawk mode :P It's accually what i field normally :D well, next time i'll think before i...
yea that's an odd number. It's because i had some points left... :P it's 5x3+1, if you can find anything better to spend 15 points on it would be...
Some day i'll rain Str5 hit on my enemy from behind :mad: :D I'll go for the scar-vet then, gives me a decent general and the option to include a...
The cold one rider might be better, but i can imagine using him as a bsb in a saurus block or something. With his great weapon he could surprise...
That's accually a pretty strong point about the stegadon. I'll probably change it. About the scar-vet. I have used just the same guy and...
The plan is to be behind his army as well as being in the front, The saurus will secure the centre with the steg and the COC on a flank each to...
they are a nightmare to paint assembled IMHO. I paint as much on the sprue as possible. makes it much easier to reach all the little corners....
Yea now i remember...right, so that's just the gw then. I can remove the AHW, the COC musician and the extra handler to get that standard. Guess...