I'm facing dark elves sometime soon. Usually i go the CC scar-vet route, but i wanted to try something new. I'm working on a conversion for a...
I know it would suck but i've always wanted to try the skavenpelt in a unit of Terradons :P Would be very funny, and a complete surprise to...
the only possibility would be bane head and venom... Did the guy wound everything double?
Nice, mabye next time the dice gods favour you and you can truely smak those little ratmen to the ground! :rage: I really like the salamander,...
thanks, That's as clear as can be :D Now I hate my friends Hydra even more :meh:
Sorry to take over the topic, but i have a question concering Salamanders as well, In the Razordon entry it is specifically stated that they...
well first of all your list is illegal, you need at least 3 terradons in your unit, that's the minimum, heroes don't count to that number. You...
yea, well, skrox don't appeal to me at all accually, i just edited my last post with a new list, with the 2 dispel priests in there and some extra...
that would sure be a pretty nice dispel scroll mass, we could also get one of the priest to use the diadem and an extra lvl for some extra dice....
ah, i didn't know it was a standard one... came up with it on my own, allright thanks :D, i'll start playtesting with the magic items then
So we face the same problems :D please consider this your topic too then :) nope no terries, i use chameleons because the terradons are so crazy...
sounds nice, I just got myself an extra box of the scaly footsloggers, so I should have enough saurus (40) to make a list with :F But i think that...
anyone? 28 replies and nobody has anything to say about the list? Please help me out.
Hi everybody, I really love the spear saurus blocks and I though why not make a saurus based list for an upcoming match... I'll probably be...
the priest can carry it in theory, but the problem is that a priest cannot be a BSB and therefor he cannot wield any magic banner into combat,...
thanks for your honest reply! You do have a point in what you say, what would you advise? More blocks? what to drop then? An other possibility is...
Hi everybody! I'm working on this carnosaur list, just to field something else then a Slann. The general idea is to use Cold ones, steggie and...
I'm up against Dark elves tomorrow... I expect some magic, dark riders, shades and mabye a hydra. I've come up with this list, is it worth...
nothing against armor?? We have the blade of Revered Tzunki, the burning blade of chotec and don't forget salamanders. Also there are the many...
How about a mounted cold-one with the burning blade of Chotec? or perhaps some nice spirits of the forge? that should take care of them. Good...