what do you mean with 5d6 hits, did you cast it 5 times? and how can you spam forked if you can only cast it once every turn? great report of a...
i know he has way to much magic, but i hope to stomp him in combat :rage: we both agreed to up the points to 1250 so i was thinking about...
yea i've been thinking about that, but since there isn't really that much armor in the list aside from DP's (who are immune to flaming attacks) i...
Hi all! I'll be fighting a very magic heavy high elf opponent. He will probably use 3 mages, Dragon Princes, Swordsmasters, spears and 1 bolt...
Thanks for the advice! Should i run gor-rok on his own when facing cavalry? Can he take Malus and his unit of cold ones on his own?
Yea I was thinking of something like that too, would it be nice to squeeze in a priest? Gor-rok.........................................215 2x10...
Malus Darkblade is a hero, isn't he? And I have Gor-rok not Kroq-gar
Hi all, My friend and I are going to play a game soon, he's fielding Malus Darkblade and i field Gor-rok. this is his list I think: malus...
lol, Gor-rok will. you could try to put him infront of your units and counter charge with SC or a steggie, or even better: that S7 character.
He looks awesome! may i ask you how you did the bones and horns?
looks good, although i thought that skink cohorts had a minimum unit size of 10.
is the magic allowence for Chiefs still 50 points, because the lance is 50 points, so no steg helm :depressed:
?? I thought te full name was Charm of the Jaguar Warrior... o_O
well... not yet, but i'm working on those
Hi all, I have made some Sallies lately out of a rubber lizard. Take a look! http://sjef-baas.hyves.nl/album/3563410 ... _state__=1
man that's awesome!!
how much points do you play? I would take a Slann and take some nice spells from the lore of metal, or go for a sacred host of Tlazcotl with some...
could you show us some pictures of your "a yellow paint" lizardmen?
thanks i edited it. What will be good for the 2 units of skinks? blowpipes or jav/shield?
I've been painting lotr for a couple of years now so I know about painting. I think the battalion is a good one indeed. with the battalion and...