@Dumble - thanks for clearing that issuse up. Was always wondering about spears on a charge so good stuff. Something I hadnt really appreciated...
I am actually thinking of dropping my 2 mounted vets to foot ones. With the ability to take heavy armour from cheap common items its pretty easy...
Yes it does indeed benefit the unit, something I looked for. Whether it could be used against the miscast I am not sure, depends on the wording of...
I wouldnt be so sure of my opinion on that, someone I know who has access to the book says he thinks "fight in ranks" is a rule which states they...
I thought that ref spears fighting in two ranks but someone has pointed out that apparently the "fight in 2 ranks" rules allows for extra...
Ye temple guard are very risky.... always were a little bit but more so now. The said however, cupped hands gets you out of one of those. Also the...
I had a good read of the book yesterday, check out the show for my comments on how it affects lizards. www.heelanhammer.com Yo yo yo Fans,...
Razors are direct only to..... found out a few weeks ago. Makes no sense considering they are current line and the only type of models for that...
Glad you are enjoying them! Ye its been going well mate, still check the vault out now and then. D
Yo people, I only found this forum the other. Used to post a lot on the Pyramid Vault but these days most of my spare time is taken up podcasting...