i play a slann skirmisher list for 2400 works out perfectly :)
when do we get our up date? what you wanan keep, what u wanna get?
doom and darkness + sallie power
life is plain simple boring light is the best lore for a CC lizardmen army :)
Re: Tournament Summary, 2500 points, fought O&G, TK, and Emp dont tradein chamo skinks for normal skinks :jawdrop: DONT :jawdrop: look slike u...
slann salamanders skink skirmishers are a umust
get a hero with helm of command and gold sigil sword, and make a combined unit of them, :) works fine ;)
salamanders eat most light cav :)
u may have gotten a point there bro, mhhh, think ill be going for death :)
tourny comming up soon , need some help on lore choice :) Slann priest; general bsb; conciousness rumination plaque of tepok obsidian amulet...
was my build ;) and it works out sweet xD
lose tg, add in some more skinks to the skrox unit, and ad an other unit of skirmishers ;)
its really character focused, but since i dont have combat units, i can target chars as long as i want :) its a thinking game caus u have to gain...
Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit add greatweapon to scar vet :)
not hard to keep them out of line of sight of cannons tbh :) its just three guys on a horse ;) cannons are usually down max turn 2 =)
looking for a few websites to surf on to get different models for my lizzies army than the usual gw models, meaning like sallies, slann, u know:)
the scar vet unit is awesome! they are so resillient except killing blow :( but they hold up like nearly any unit!
get magic weapons on your scar vets or great weapons, crown of command isnt needed:) boost saurus up to 30
salamanders are flame throwers, they eat most infantry and one wound is enough to panic :)
ait thanks ;)