character is in a unit, the units gets destoryed completely, but the character survives; 1: if he flees, does he keep running since his unit isnt...
long story short; i played with a death slann with bane head combo today against ogres, it was fun at start, sniping his bsb in turn one, his...
when fun games it doesnt matter, but tournaments u gain points on painting for how much is wysiwyg =)
great report bro! looks like the fear from dwellers really helped you out! one small note, teclis wasnt able to cast regen on the white lions,...
1x3 shots:) attacks has nothing to do with how many shots u make:)
inception leads by a mile
wow... small army... maybe its just your playstyle, but i would add some more skirmish units to redirect charges and hizzz
lore of light is a game winner when ussed correct =) nice report ;)
having that extra -1 armour save really helps out for me, they can take on elite troops aswell now =) and about that death slann, i might try that...
for 800 points 1 hero is enough :) since magic istn realy stron at 800 pts, i would go for the scar vet on a cold one, lose the kroxigors and add...
First spell of light is beast against abominations! , 2nd; the combatt buffesr worked well proper sally did a lot of damge so did chamo skinks,...
poisoned attacks hurts ogres as much as a brick hurts a window.... mhhh, its not my kinda list, i miss skinks.. ?Chamelion skinks tbh....
SICK SHIZ! wow man awesome work!
added cube ;) anything else?
hi bro! i would lose the kroxigors; add in 4extra skirmishers zo u get two units of ten, add in some chamelions kinks =)
so ditch 3 skinks from the skroxx unit? or where should i look for them points?
ok, i used this list about 10 times now, against, VC, Ogres, Empire, O&G and Skaven came down to 8 wins and two draws ;) Slann ; BSB, General...
lore of light is for me the best choice, it gives your saurus warrior IN 10 ;) totally destroying our weakest point ;) and trust me, the sight of...
trust me, :) saying that u have over 50skinks in you rarmy , will make your opponent go :droid: ;)
graveguard aint scary due greatweapons, one lesson against vc is, dispell that ASF reroll spell, IT HURTS! using lore of light, vargulfs are...