life has one of the biggest nukes in the game... and u can regain lost models and wounds , =)
u shouldnt make lists against specific armies, the best way to be a master in your army , is to allways play with an alcomers army :) i would...
lizardmen are mean lizards! and u have a nice assortiment of tiny skinks to great and might stegadons and carnosaurs, u have cheap units to toy...
a skrox unit is good as support, or taking on heavy cav, they get there asses kicked by most normal infantry units and you learned the most...
temple gaurds are pure shooting practise, specially if u go light, no one in the world wants to freely charge TG with light boosts :) kroxigors on...
i got a bearded dragon aswell, but he is WAY to fat and lazy HAHAHA8
make the skirmishers 4x10 = more diffrent shoting targets, and more chrage redirections and stuff =)
sword master fall easily to skinks poison and salamander shots , some units just have to be shot, check your priority s for shoting and magic, tho...
whyno temple guard? and u only have ona unit that can hold a charge, ...
Slann; bsb; general cupped hands standerd of discipline plaque of protection cogitation rumunation mystery Light 26 TG; fullcommand razor...
ogres nearly have any save, shoot them with skinks chaos knights are indeed a problem for all of us :) try to get them down with some magic, and...
good good, try to get 6 more chamos ;) they are well worth it trust me ;)
since u have temple gaurds, i would go for a slann a skink priest scar vets can be converted from a temple gaurd or a saurus warrior;)
he has 3 :p more than enough it appears , nice style tho
like it , like it, not a big fan of the sunstandard, id go for swiftness or razor standerd on the TG , for the rest it looks nice :)
lose the MR3 adn go for mr2 , saves 20 points, and u get a 2+wsv instead of a 1+wsv vs magic, so its stil the same :)
i tend to annoy the tank with skinks, hoping he is stupid enough to go for the distraction, and hoping to get a stega or some magic on it
ditch swarms they suck, add in onre more sally; try to squeeze in a 2nd unit of chamo skinks, and make both unite 6-7 =)
weird tournaments u got ther :s
check out these russian crazy man!