temple gaurds need combat; but 99% of the enemies flee from the sight of 24 temple guards with slann in it :) anyways, u got the basic stuff u...
i tried it, while playing light, and i can tell u , the damage out put is amazing :)
ah u used the models u had, well tbh, taking down ahydra with the cav, would require LUCK :p mhh, add 2+wsv vs ranged damage to slann maybe :)
lose th ecold one cav, upgrade the temple guards to 24, and add some more skinks for annoyance
take out temples, enlarge saurus to 30ish , and add sallies?
i know, but just in case they go for the death sniping and shizz :)
Ok guys, just for the fun, and the awesome look of the carnosaur model, im gonna try it out against a VC flying circus, and a orc and goblin army...
i kinda nailed it with skinks, a shitload of shots, he will fail some saves, and once u got some poits of it, it will most likely do less, or...
Re: The Army of Mage-Lord Xhucha (Still in Works) slann can have magic banner AND magic items, he is the only exception in the entire warhammer...
add a cupped hands of the old ones, and tha 2+wsv vs ranged damage on the slann
yeah, i use my steggys for lank support, and some hitting power, so if i take them, out, what should i add in in stead:)
i am a very competetive player, so i always make all comers list, not depending on what i face or not =) im mostly an overall view of person;)
i think it stood in the white dwarve
are they worth it :) when browsing through lists and tactics, i seem to nearly always read, stegs are shooting practise, they are the main...
ight, thanks bro
Re: temple gaurd with slann = 5 or 6 models needed for each i always put 30 up in horde formation, its a scary sight, and they havent seen...
well, i prefer 3 units, caus they have to devide attention, and i can target 3 posible treats at once, and if oen is running , i still have 2...
lower or split chamelions in 3 groups =) wher eu gonna hide bsb ?
beware of girls! xD
try to add a standerd of discipline on slann,giving him a stunnin ld 10, its well worth it :)