I need to look into this more but as much as I wish this was correct I do not think you are right. If you were all spell lore effects would happen...
I utterly devastated a high elf player with the following list Slann - channeling staff, 3 dice channel, keep dice. 4 Saurus scar vets, 2...
Wow, there is a list that is running 6x21 skink cohorts. Why do you guys think 21?
And all you guys that posted saying how you were hoping there were updates because the page count increased caused me to open it. Which caused me...
Slann: 5 Saurus Oldblood: 3 Skink Priest: 2 Skink Chief: 1 Saurus Scar Veteran: 4 Carnosaur: 1 Terradon: 2 Stegadon: 2 Ancient Stegadon: 3...
I would love Carnosaur calvary, considering I just got beat to death by skullcrushers it would be nice to have something similar.
Hello All, i need some ideas on how to deal with DE Hyrdas in an upcoming tournament. I can not change my army as the lists have already been...
Hello all, In my current list I use a carnosaur as more of a for fun and because it is a really nice looking model. I also have two stegadons....
I second this. Also from what i understand the Slann still gets his ward save vs any damage it causes. It is an insane item on a life slann with...
Re: First Encounter with Skaven... and Dreaded 13th. Any adv Thank you all for the really good advice. Here is the first game we played. Right...
Re: First Encounter with Skaven... and Dreaded 13th. Any adv So I played the same opponent again tonight and I was tabled by turn 4. Skaven are...
You bring up an interesting question and maybe I am doing this wrong. So a SV all decked out technically has a 1+ save (the lowest it can go)...
The lower the points the game the stronger transformation is going to be. In 1000pt game its going to be incredibly strong as your essentially...
Sorry i'm bringing this up from an old thread as it was never answered and just happened to me yesterday. What happened was I was playing a skaven...
TLDR Version: Played skaven need tips on 1) Where to put the slann so he doesn't get dreaded 13thed into a rat. I did not have becalming...
A mostly skink list can work well. Look up the skink cloud lists in the battle reports. It is a list that wins by poison shots, magic and more...
You are assuming you have to fully kit out the slann for them to be useful it seems. I run a carnosaur and slann list as well and find it very fun...
The elves are complaining a bit about not having anything to throw extra PD into the pool. Because of this the lizardmen still dominate the magic...
There is also a piece about the blade of realities hitting a target with no leadership = Instant kill. I believe this is new? What else has no...
I'll let you know an really easy way to kill it fast, get charged by ogres. I'm not sure how many can be fielded for 800 points but impact hits...