Updated and improved the list a bit
Simple answer: No Longer answer: Last time I had 1500 points I had tiktaq'to and Chakax, Chakax got 1 wound and was in next round killed by a...
Love them! "TAKE THAT YOU STUPID SPACE MARINE AND YOUR CODEX CRAP!" I love the painting space marine, tho the space marine obvious does not know...
So far Games Workshop have had several warhammer video games (most of them being 40k :rage:) and today I was trying to find a certain picture of...
I got another rumor from my local gaming store, terror and fear will be changed to combat resolution, terror giving 2 and fear 1 and there will be...
Ok so here is a simple list I just made, it's 1500 points. Core 2x12 Skinks 15x2 Saurus warriors /w spears. Hero 1 Skink priest, lvl 2, plague...
I guess I didn't pray (and sacrifice enough blood) for the dice gods because my last game was a complete disaster... First of all round 1 my skink...
And here is another one from me... completely painted all my 10 temple guards, and i was basing it and thought:" Hmm some temple ruins would be...
If you aren't good with GS I have one suggestion. Go to this guys channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RetributionAngel ... he has some how to's...
Alright this is gonna take some steps... Step one: Make the "chin fin" Step two: Paint the whole terradon scab red as a basecoat. Step three:...
Paint all my 24 skinks and ehh Chakax
Go ahead Aranigej if you need a step by step on how I'll make one... To Skrox: If I were you I would buy them then figure out how to paint them...
I'll try that Strewart, thanks Hexoatl
Alright finished painting Zwup and of course I painted him like the Toruk: [attach] [attach] I'm not to good with blending and the yellow parts...
Not gonna lie you play against the most hated armies probally XD Would advice getting some terradons and also how many points does it need to be?
Depending on how thick your layer of paint is you can thin down some chaos black and just paint the whole thing black again....
If you try that with liquid nitrogen tell me the result please
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: TWO MALES DWARVES?!
Why did you use superglue on a plastic model? Anyways I had cold one head at a wrong angle when glued on and I just removed the whole head by...
So I bought the smallest of the smallest disc magnets which are pretty much as small as the eyes on the standard banners... pretty much and not...