If he ever needs a real thor outfit i got 1 XD (played live roleplay
Oh because Thor is a rather normal name in Denmark :D
your friends name is Thor you say.... where are you from?
I get it Strewart just been studying lately... exams
doesnt work *EDIT* works now :D
whats wrong with a black spear? i have black spears too
I welcome you to the very deep jungle of lustia
Well all I can advice to when it comes to magnets and models is this link: http://boringmordheimblog.blogspot.com/search/label/Tutorials
Another lizardman :D Welcome
Heh just looked it up in the army book and made some examples from the word meanings page Atarxalot - Plagueslayer Dro'ka'khanxlot - Dwarfslayer...
SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME!!! Used a little to much time on WoW... tried a 10 days trial on War (Warhammer online) and fell back to painting warhammers...
Well if the charge is succeded meaning your unit is in close combat nobody can leave the unit! NOBODY! not even is it's an 1 man unit.
You mean like a character joining your unit? If they are in close combat no, and since a succeded charge is close combat then no they can't. Still...
Would be funny to have an army of tomb kings with no soccerer or any magic user since they are all driven by magic (No skeletons can't just walk)
Not as far as I know.... would advice you to write it in word then copy/paste it :D
Seems like it's populair to call your topic something with food
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis Heh I've sent a message about it to Sammy... hope he will look at it
Is that for the stegadon base or for all bases?