Ask and you shall recieve. ;) Yes Teclis is one of the greatest mages ever to have lived. But the slaan forged the world itself as the old ones...
i'd have to agree, dwarfs are the best ally for lizzies. Both good alignment so don't have to split power pool and combining lizzies magic with...
I kinda agree with ryan88, themed items is better IMHO. the number of generic items in the BRB is quite big. Its then coupled with Army specific...
I've just been browsing the GW website in the Tomb King section and what do i find........ New battlion box set, sounds interesting. Click on it...
Ok, started collecting my tomb kings 2 months ago, getting a good base to add the new minis to. I'm gonna post the models here as i get them...
i believe they do yes. Yours Aye Mixer
I too would rather see the coatl than some baby version of a thunder lizard. It would probably be a lord choice ridden by a new level 3 skink...
Yes they would be able to use there dispel dice for this even without a mage, they just don't get to add levels or mage abilities towards the...
I think your talking about a Pachycephalosaurus, and yes i would love to see skinks riding them, they aren't really big enough to have saurus ride...
correct, same as if your mage dies turn 1, turn 2 you still get dice but can't use them for spells, and in the opponents magic you still get...
I'd be tempted to drop chakax, despite him being my fav lizzie charatcer and take a skink preist on A.steg with EOTG. Also i'm not sure what...
Teclis- Becalming Cogitation will help stem teclis, it stops his 6's and don't forget to be irresistable with any other double he still has to...
Keep your salamanders seperate IMO. as stated it gives you much more flexibility. Drop Razor standard and VFFF. this will allow you to take 5...
If your going with only one preist, i'd definately give him the plaque of tepok. Then add the 5 extra saurus. To use the 5 spare points up you...
Though a nice idea, i can't see us getting elite saurus. More likely i think would be Cheaper TG with different weapon options. so if you wished...
i thought nurgle didn't get the ward save, they relied on being tougher, hence why you don't see many nurgle lists. I could be wrong though...
Oh ok, never read that, i guess i'm just used to taking a slaan as BSB, every now and again a scar vet. Yours Aye Mixer
Well it sounds to me like the other guy basically tailored his list to beat you. Not really in the spirit of the game and something that REALLY...
Its not a bad start, but your points are wrong for the second saurus unit, it should be 198. Here are my suggestions: 2 Skink Priests Between...
Ok, lets have a look: Slaan Mage (BSB) The Focused Rumination The Becalming Cogitation Standard of Discipline Plaque of Tepok What Lore are you...