No idea if those Rustoleum rattlecans are available in Europe or Italy. But here is where to find out: EUROPE Steven Winrow, Commercial Director...
Test on an offcut piece. [ !! ] That ^ applies to whatever method is chosen. 99% of rattlecan products applied directly to white packing foam...
You can only watch so many Hallmark movies about little girls who adopt adorable critters, or golden retrievers that cause some unlikely couple to...
I bet the literal translation in German conveys some really unfortunate meaning. Perhaps almost the opposite of what the title is meant to...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Use riders from the starting Seraphon set but put them on the Dark Aelf beasts...that is one of the better conversion ideas. Doing that will...
There is also a Skink on a floating rock as an option in eighth edition.
Oops totally guilty of not checking the tag on the post ...sorry. If it is 8th you’ll be wanting a supply of square and rectangular bases....
Read this thread: This is a thread...
You probably should get one. There is not one in the boxes of models you have purchased so far. You do have a few customization choices. I need...
Should I recognize her? Looks a bit like the evil queen from Snow White -?-Cinderella...the TV version....Once Upon A Time.
Maybe the two of you did not watch the same video. Recently, YouTube has been playing the video it feels like playing rather than the one I...
The new version of the Old World is doomed unless they allow **both kinds of basing. And this is Games Workshop’s own fault. They painted...
In a world where the Bond franchise needs an enemy that no one will be offended if Bond annilhilates them there’s the answer. No, no, no, no I...
Several posts earlier, Somebody mentioned Plumber in a list of low paying, blue collar, “Man jobs”. As opposed to their other job list which...
So are they paying 009, the female “Bond”, less money than 007 ? ****desperately searching for any connection to a Bond film****
I sense a disturbance in the force... did this thread go from Bond to Star Wars to Salary Disparities ? o_O :shifty: It could have just...
Has Age of Siggy scale-creeped its way to 30mm? 35? (In Your Opinion...?) :sorry:
People like to say this. Russians like to say this. But that does not make it true. If it walks like a BEAR, and it growls like a BEAR,’s...
And they have long since exhausted the supply of story titles, plotlines, and supporting characters created by Fleming.