What are celestial swarm models?
I liked the Wonder Woman trailer. I got the feeling from the trailer there is a preceding WW movie I should see, or rent, or something before...
One of my pet peeves about the 8th Edition Magic system is the Vanishing Spells There were about 2 dozen variants of them. Does 6 Strength 5...
:sorry: Maybe they were thinking this: “We wrote 48 different spells. It was impossible to make them all equally good. If we let the players...
That’s the kind of thinking I was on about. And 32mm rounds are always good as connecting-core structure elements. Might we ask why.....
That is possible. I may be half remembering 6th or 7th. (?) I suppose that is why some armies could choose among different lores and potentially...
I think the afterlife should be a disk world arrangement with nine segments. A big hollow in the center. One can look down through that at the PMP...
They do that ...they are stuck with low level wizards? Because in 1K points L4s don’t fit easily if at all. But if both 5000 point sides have...
I also doubt that it is possible. Going back to the Mace-Metaphor: the goal is not to acheive a smooth sphere. The goal is to blunt one spike at...
There is an obvious solution to this ^ problem that requires no modification of the rules at all. If you want to play at 5000 points per side....
Magic (L6 spells) Uber Infantry Weak Cavalry Cannon Deadly Monsters Goofy skirmisher rules Is that a good priority list ? With problem numbero...
So what I would do is have a long, hard, think about which is the worst problem: Magic (L6 spells) Cannons Weak Cavalry Uber Infantry Deadly...
I would keep in mind a metaphor involving a mace. [IMG] I will get back to that in a second. I noticed you had tinkered with the magic....
It is a bit of a derail (for the thread) but I would like to read the Condensed version explaining how the Deepkin Mer-Elves On their friggin’...
I think I read the first four books. Not sure where I left off. But... Saurduarkar =/= Stormtroopers =/= Spez Marines :rolleyes:
Do you have a spare blot toad? http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/slann-mage-priest-slann-starmaster.12673/page-8#post-300191 This is not...
Somebody on this board built a Slann proxy out of nuthin’ but plastic pieces. I think I saw it a couple of weeks ago.
The Mememakers responsible for this should be rounded up and subjected to ruthless and unusual corporal punishment. That never happened....
Because I’m a completionist and I don’t know and will never figure out where they hid everything(?) ...so I am not quite sure what factions are...
You could easily scratch build a few of them and Lizard / Jungle theme them in the process.