I voted Yes/Include on the Idoneth Deepkin. Heres why: even though they are unheard of in previous publishings of Warhammer fantasy there is a...
I was having to do that as well... :confused::writing: ...just to figure out what might be reasonable to combine in a poll choice in order to get...
So your approach is to make small changes to specific units Army-by-Army rather than adjust the main rules? By the way, saw a typo: Steagodon. Or...
Another for instance: Ironjaws and Bonesplitterz, these are just Orks of some sort Yes? No? Sorta?
I was very confused by Cities of Siggy. Cursory research looks like they consolidated Empire, Regular Dwarfs, and Dark Elfs together? Wait the...
Not seeing a link or any actual rules. (?) Or an attachment. Would prefer to view it in a Forum post. Instead of having to dig into a google...
Skaven (Chaos) Beasts of Chaos (Chaos) Maggotkin of Nurgle (Chaos) Blades of Khorne (Chaos) Disciples of Tzeentch (Chaos) Everchosen (Chaos)...
I just “read” through the wordless instructions. Looks like a 2 lizard job. $49 dollars to deliver. Two would be $60 + $60 + 49 delivered. I...
This is me... Who is sponsoring / running a terrain build competition? Make that all 3... Does IKEA deliver and set up? I am kind of a long way...
@Warden Kilamajoro?
...and ruins. (Someone needed to FTFY. :p )
Tomb Kings are a human faction, long dead humans... ...but in theory there was once a human empire called the Nehekarans. That at least explains...
That force mix works for me @Tk’ya’pyk
Kislev & Chaos Warriors Just considering what the contents and possibilities of such a box might be. Chaos has invaded Kislev so many times they...
I would totally buy a Chaos Warriors versus Kislevites Box Set. Even if the new game ultimately was a flop. In the End you have to just like the...
I voted Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos Daemons, Dark Elves, Vampire Counts. Fates Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos Daemons: Worked In with Warriors...
I found it after I posted but before you answered. (I didn’t expect much luck with the search...)
@Scalenex is there a Timeline of WFB in a thread on L-O, somewhere?
I would like it to be set before any of the major retcons happened. “When the Olde Worlde was young...”
Question: when is Warhammer Total War pegged in on the great master Olde World timeline? What era does it portray?