Yes? It is very possible there are a lot of WTW players because the game was in a video game format. I conceded that there are a lot of them....
I had to look up what those were. Luckily (?) neither is part of WFB. (Also, a chariot pulled by nine Rams was not to be found in Middle Earth...
If a Five Dot Magus permanently bound an elemental into a Golem, does that mean the FDM knew the True Name of the poor elemental? Would using the...
[ATTACH] I learned to build with LEGOs over Thanksgiving. Surprised you did not try to do a nine-part soul. Maybe the Moon can also double as...
This happened more than once with the 6th Edition Box Set. There was a store (an Indy) which did that prior to sale. They just put a sticker on...
Neither. They should try something different this time.
I have some miniature Warship models from Spartan Games. Sadly Spartan is no more. But the models were beautiful castings. So much so that some...
Fact? Where has this notion been stipulated as fact?
That is the Fourth Edition Box Set.
:shifty: What era would be the one before any of the major RETCONs happened?
:jawdrop: :muted: :meh: :D:hilarious:
Something New And Different: (Just spitballing an idea here) What if the Box Set contained things that any and every gamer beginning the game...
It was hilarious either way. And Pendrake approved.
I did not say it was the Cause of Failure. As I keep trying to say, so I will try another way: it was an inadequate life saving measure....
Please tell me this is a grill of some kind (?) ...there’s something very wrong with the world if you can’t grill steaks on that!
I’ve been really busy. Haven’t read. Have not voted.
What if you embedded the BB in the aircraft/spaceship model and put the magnet (that does have a hole) on the top of the flight stand...
4.5mm BBs for BB guns ought to stick. But they lack a hole. (What is the purpose of the hole in the bead? Maybe “Iron” beads is the thing to order?
Stainless steel is all but non-magnetic. Found that out trying to magnetize tank turrets.
My vote is have substantial Arctic Seas. Which is pretty similar? The stretched one or the one with 14 inches of empty Sea? Walmarts have both...