This is inspiring.
And there also seems to be a map. With Bretonnia ( @Warden !) smack in the middle of it. [IMG] Were the Tomb Kings just off ^ the south edge...
Where is this from?
Try Pearls! :shifty: “...pearls of great price...” I do keep trying to explain the bartering going on. Mer-folk need rare metal ores, they trade...
Great Minds swim in similar channels.... I liked Sharkmen. In my head canon I might be going with Sharklings. Your (Nautical) Mileage May...
[IMG] About 5 ReaperCons ago one of the four Factions was the Karkarions, or the Karkarion League, or something. (All about the sharks.) So good...
Is there anything you do not blame on AoS? :rolleyes:
Have there been any recent Bowser sightings?
I say let the Merfolk operate as easily on land as Darryl Hannah did. (And Mer-Girls should all be at least that pretty.) But... Keep this...
I am not an officianado of Pringle cans but I am talking about the ubiquitous 9.25” can. I now possess the only known ‘globe’ of ScarAquaTerra....
You need to do the Pringles can experiment for yourself. ** I would do it and post a picture but I lack a functional printer. (I have plenty of...
I like option three the best. With the notion that the different races trade and cooperate to get metals forged. You need one race that does the...
A thing you need to decide on is: Exactly How Big is this Cylinder World? A practical experiment you should try. Get a Pringles tube. Print...
You have already established that there are ore fountains underground? Most of which are the basis of dwarfly mining ops. There must be sites...
[MEDIA] We Didn’t Start The Fire Someone synced-up footage to the lyrics for every historic reference in the song.
I like everything about ^ this. [IMG]
Do ^ that. Because: No tides ... no gravity. No gravity ... no reason for a moon to orbit. So No Moon.
Major Departure from PHYSICS Alert. And why does the Moon not have an effect on tides??? Fact check: There is a visible moon? It has no...
Larry Niven, the Science Fiction author who wrote Ringworld, predicted illegal organ harvesting and transplantation long ago. Several books and...
How about this for a generalized PG origination story... Ogres and Ogre sized things are born normally to normal parents of their type. But by...