I had the (less grand?) notion that there are Nine (there’s that number again) keyholes-locks (in something) and they need to be opened in a...
The problem with those is always “...what to do...?” If “Craggy Ruins” is rolled three times but there is only one in the available collection of...
[IMG] Turns out the parts of keys have specific names. So the one in my Doodle could be the Adderbow Key.
Ignore him. He is just a bloviational speaker, with an opinion, on YouTube. He is part of the 90%. (Sturgeon’s Law)
[ATTACH] Brass Key with an odd natural stone handle. The key unlocks the [___________] (secret room, book, portal, cold iron box?) but the...
What if BBG is an evil Bishop from one of the bishopric covens? (As was mentioned on a previous page.) He is trying to take over and subvert the...
I sorta liked tiny statue. What is an “adder stone”?
@spess are there pictures of these metal roof shingle move trays any where? @Lizerd any before/afters you can show? How are you getting on with...
This could be why they were short lived. They have the look of too much rider, too much Dino, not enough wing. Were they sold in random blisters...
A pair of Rings then. That even fits with hiding it(them) in a pair of shoes. The guards are coming! Quick hide them! Where!? Two rings; two...
But does that involve bacon?
Does he like bacon??
Give the gnome a backstory involving being something else, before he was a cobbler. Then he can draw on this as a source of hidden talents...
It is again time to say: “Let there be battleships!” [IMG] The one in the middle of both pages had a perfectly circular Hull. It was a Russian...
Thanks. They don’t seem to call it “Flock Card”. Is it one of the flavors of this item:...
It took a lengthy search. (To find an image involving xkcd and battleships.) But: [IMG]
I had seen that one before.
Is the unlabeled zone around the familiar continents representing the water ocean covered portions of Earth?
Who makes that model? I think it could easily proxy for a Razordon.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typha They are very useful at cleaning water in polluted wetlands.