Sounds good. I was gonna reply back with thinking WBW being a maybe but wasn't sure and went to sleep. Thanks for the answers!
AFAIK no to both. Don't recall exact rule why. Maybe someone with a book on hand can give a stronger answer.
I have the opposite problem, with everything but stegs getting weaker or maybe evened out, my list needs to be the best stuff more than ever and...
A knight in plates of metal has better armor than a monster who's hide is thicker than his shield. Makes no damn sense.
Oh yeah.
There is no 7 on a D6, anyone saying that 6's aren't 6's is being an ass.
Against that horde, if you can get fiery convocation off with irresistible force and they don't roll fantastic for magic dice that's two turns of...
The Saurus character isn't joining a flying unit in the skink chief though?
It's a little bit of everything, which is ok. Try it with engine of the gods to reduce one by 1 each turn to make it easier to get off wyssans or...
I face skirmishers and long range penalties too often for blowpipes to work on anything but chameleons. Javelins work and can hold up other chaff...
You can use them all! High Magic lets you switch gradually, and has a lot of useful spell to go to was life before, when we could...
Uhhhh....2 stegadons. Minimum. Maybe 3, if you like smashing people's faces. Should have like 20 regular skinks for skirmishing as redirecting...
Great weapons, ward saves, and reroll their ward saves. Dawn stone too.
Which is why they are useless against the units they'd be most useful against.
My Slann is my breakpoint in B&G. The rest of the banners I use doesn't add up to my bsb general temple guard banner break points. If anything, it...
It's just that the attribute does it; the spell has it nowhere in its text. So whether a spell effect is also an attribute effect is the crux of...
Then try for it? Can always swap for the sig if you don't roll what you need.
Slann's footprint is different, isn't he forced to the side? Therefore vulnerable?
Hmmm. Much to ponder. Screw you GW for not putting out the FAQ already.
Killing people with fireballs is an effect of Fireball. They don't come back via drain magic. They aren't lasting effects, they change the game...