Depend on what to use him for. On cold one I'd try glittering scales, Fencer's blades, and crown of command. Hit a unit and hold it for an...
I've had positive experience with them, even before this codex. I'd still take small units of them.
Question: I don't have my book on me at this moment, so I don't know the exact wording of Spawn Kin, but if you put skink chiefs in the front row...
So much good shit in one place. Once dweller bellowed a warrior unit and took out the Mage on top of the slightly worse than average rolls. Then...
Re: Questions on Lizardmen Before Choosing First Fantasy Arm I keep watching people lose him in batreps, and I've only lost him 1-2 times to...
Fear? I thought it caused panic. I hardly use it on them so I'd forgotten.
Bolas are half the range but S4, better chance of wounding without poison. May depend on what you do with them. If they'll be up in people's faces...
Re: Questions on Lizardmen Before Choosing First Fantasy Arm *ahem* Anything but the Slann goes down, you mean? He's a huge chunk of points and...
Egg is at beginning off close combat phase. They can't stop it, it goes first. Good for killing chaff before combat begins, or add a lot of combat...
I think our Monsters are the real winners against them, and blocks either get Wyssans or should avoid a fight they can't weather. Smash against...
"That item is immediately destroyed and cannot be used for the rest of the game." How that affects their BSB, I dunno. He'd still be a BSB as far...
One of those situations where no matter how much initiative you pump, high elves go first. Maybe skinks could stop their rerolls though. Either...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the Lizardmen! Special Characters a Krox-Gar has a 2+ armor, I think you forgot to calculate being mounted. 4+ scales,...
Sounds to me like fighting dwarves is even more of an uphill battle. Le sigh.
I don't find Trog survivable Enough for any role except sitting back and roaring and then dying trying to kill stuff. Too few attacks and armor to...
If impact hits are distributed as shooting, our new S7 krox in a cohort unit can soak up a lot of hits and beat a steam tank to death.
^^^ I like this idea. I'll try that version myself.
He can sit on a temple guard or Saurus unit and keep them from pursuing, soak up challenges in addition to your champion and maybe even kill a few...
I tried making a new account and it said I needed a capital letter in the password, and it dawned on me... I never tried my password with a...
Against OnG: Rippers kill characters without ward saves (or just damn lucky rolls). Skinks are still skinks, but javs better. Salamanders still...