I like it. Maybe Solar Bastiladon in for the CoC. It'd be a decent long range threat and alternate use of magic dice should you under cast with...
They screwed us on banners; Discipline, razor, flaming if you think you won't see dragon princes. The swiftness banner was useful on CoC for me,...
Haven't been on since October but been lurking. Forgot my password. How moronic of myself. Hope to add constructive dialogue to the forums after...
To add my voice to the cacophony, javelins in this codex.makes them more versatile with consistent poison chance. Maybe of you hand of glory a...
I assume that he replaces crew; crew fire the bow. Don't know of any rules saying he can't. With lore of beasts, my skink chief wants that pirhana...
Hate to admit it but yeah, without the toad rage rule the toads aren't anything to him.
Throw him on a basic steg and let him shoot a giant bow, give him a 3+ from his own mundane upgrades and mounted, and even a banner if you are so...
I'd say try high on him. Blow up his magic items, dispel his buffs, and drop S4 death on any blocks he brings. Swap for the signatures you need...
Make him hard to hit, he dies to a swift breeze. Glittering scales? Ward saves?
Tried 3 ripperdactyls into a front row of orcs with 3 characters. 3 killing blow rolls later, less characters, no rippers, and more than made my...
Now that they suffer from the normal shooting penalties, hand of glory is a must cast to get the most out of them. If it does, gonna ruin some...
I found I kept forgetting to reroll my first dispel attempt. It's new, and it happens. Also forgot to switch out spells, also a new ability I...
Hmmmm. Good report, despite not being able to test your experiments. Happens to me all the time too! And what I notice in that list of...
My Slann is named THE GLORIOUS and sluggish LORD RIBBET. That is how i feel a out our names. :artist:
It said it was under Banned Completely.
I use stegs for that since they have the same speed. Set up a charge with the Steg with the skirmishers. I love those dinosaurs.
Well, since you can't hit their mages with becalming and their blocks with sallies, you'll have to adjust to knowing their magic will go through...
Sorry, I was talking skink skirmishers. I always charge with stegs. They get lonely if you don't.
I actually use the scaly skin buff on my Skrox unit. 4+ armor skinks ftw?
Not just that, I love how I can Stand and Shoot no matter how close they are. So I stuff them in the face of a block at an angle and shoot, stand...